Monday, November 30, 2009

Thankful for Technology

Technology has surely enriched my life this semester. I was and still am very unfamiliar with most of it. However, with this class I have been able to learn how to create a WebQuest. I think that these WebQuest will and are a very important part of the education system. I feel that they will not only grab a students attention, but they will keep them involved in the subject a teacher is trying to teach them. I never really know what a Blog was. Now I know. Quite unique in its own right. I like being able to write my thoughts for people to read who could be interested in the topic. I think that this blog in particular is a good way for our class to journal our thoughts; particularily with an online class. It also lets Lisa know if we are paying attention to the details, and not just pushing through the information. I never realized that you could create an eportfolio. I like this idea. It puts your best face and foot forward; and advertizes your knowledge in a particular subject matter. Twitter, I honestly can say I was not very fond of. Of course it is my personal opinion. I thought of it more as a way to talk with friends or follow the latest gossip. I personally am short on time these days. I think that it most of the reason I was not interested in it. Wiki on the other hand I feel is a great educational page. I think when the time is spent into looking into the information on the page it is a useful tool. With that said; and I know that I am forgetting something I have began to learn this semester. Overall I rate this technology stuff; quite useful if used properly. There are numerous ways to take advantage and use the resources negatively. Lastly, I am grateful for technology and grateful that I took this class; and had such a patient and wonderful teacher. Thank you, Lisa.